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Girl Scouts of the United States of America

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Oral history of Margaret Sparrow



Margaret Sparrow was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She earned her undergraduate degree from Goucher College in 1950 and her graduate degree in political science from Johns Hopkins University. Sparrow served as the executive director of the Baltimore Council of Fire Girls from 1955 until 1965. After moving to White Plains, New York, Sparrow took a position as the executive director pf the Southwest Connecticut Girl Scout Council for 5 years. She spent the remainder of her career as an executive director of the Constituent Leagues for the National League for Nursing in New York. Sparrow was also active in Republican politics and ran for a spot on the Baltimore City Council in 1950. In this history, Sparrow talks about her life, growing up in Baltimore, and Girl Scouts. This oral history is part of the Mame Warren oral histories series.