Corporate Name

Corporate Name: Primary Corporate Name

A. H. Grape and Co.

Unique ID


Group photograph of the Class of 1901



Individuals pictured include Booken, Kohn, Pres. Gilman, Dean Griffin, Shriver, Warner, Gray, Byrne, Bruton, Ember, Machen, Spencer, Shippen Bird, Lownder, Powell, Morse, Hollander, Browne, Bandell, Tylen, Snarely, Hatch, Harris, Boyer, Constantine, Noble, Baldauf, Whitman, Shreeve, Straus, Bernheim, Wolf, Duck, Stein, Rehberger, West, Struth, Bye, Leopold, Briscoe, Sayler, Swindell, Riggins, Raffel, and Dapprich.

Group photograph of the Class of 1899



Individuals pictured include Rene de Mortemer Taveau, Edwin Albert Spilman, Simon Walter Frank, Ottomar Siegmund Werber, Lawrence Anton Reymann, Daniel Coit Gilman, John Hendricken King, Marion Jungbluth, Charles Mallory Remsen, Joshua Levering, William Leavell Ross, Albert Keidel, Lyttleton Morgan Chambers, Frederick Bonner Flinn, Louis Wardlaw Haskell, Miltenberger Neale Smull, Talbot Dickson Jones Jr., James Morfit Mullen, Clarence Maurice Guggenheimer, George Canby Robinson, and Edward Skipwith Bruce.

Group photograph of the Class of 1899



Individuals pictured include Rene de Mortemer Taveau, Edwin Albert Spilman, Simon Walter Frank, Ottomar Siegmund Werber, Lawrence Anton Reymann, Daniel Coit Gilman, John Hendricken King, Marion Jungbluth, Charles Mallory Remsen, Joshua Levering, William Leavell Ross, Albert Keidel, Lyttleton Morgan Chambers, Frederick Bonner Flinn, Louis Wardlaw Haskell, Miltenberger Neale Smull, Talbot Dickson Jones Jr., James Morfit Mullen, Clarence Maurice Guggenheimer, George Canby Robinson, and Edward Skipwith Bruce.

Group photograph of the Class of 1898



Individuals pictured include Duncan Kenner Brent, Robert Marsden Smith, Edward Ayrault Robinson, Edward Herrick Griffin, William Plunket Stewart, Daniel Coit Gilman, Thomas Fitzgerald, Vincent Adams Renouf, Thomas Lindley Pyle, Harold Pender, Odin Baltimore Bestor, William Willoughby Francis, Charles Wesley Kalb, Albert Gad Stidman, Robert Henry Jones, John Howard Palmer, David Gregg McIntosh, Frederick Williamson Smith, George Barr Scholl, George Miltenberger Clarke, Alexander Lazear Seth, Zadok Marshall Ballard, Albert Charles Dieffenback, Conway Shaler Hodges, Charles Miner Stearns, Leonard Keene Hirshberg, William Trout Everett, James F. Ferguson, Solomon Brenner Myers, Ralph Duffy, Bennet Bernard Browne, Henry Wireman Cook, Raymond Durbin Miller, Victor Edgeworth Smith, Jacob Forney Young, Henry John Lucke, William Browne Hammond Jr., Gustavus Charles Dohme, Alexander Gordon Jr., James William Swaine, Reinier Koller Beeuwkes, Laurence Hall Fowler, Powhatan Johnson Woolridge, William Ellinger Straus, Stephen Paul Harwood, Philip Warner Harry, Edward Livingston Palmer Jr., James Alfred Kennard, James Girvin Peters, John Somerville Fischer, Frank Oldham Miller, Joseph Nathan Ulman, Frank Jaclard Clunet, and William Randle Hubner.

Group photograph of the Class of 1896



Individuals pictured include Robert Lacy, Henry Todd Powell, Henry Pickering Parker, Cornelius Beatty, Edwin Delaplaine Nelson, Frank Holmes Johnson, Martin Schwab, Daniel Coit Gilman, Horace Marshall Harriman Jr., Edward Lingan Bowlus, John Armistead Welbourn, Charles Harwood Knight, William Fisher Wallis, Malcolm Westcott Hill, Frederick Howard Warfield, James Holdsworth Gordon Jr., George Harwood Hodges, St. George Leakin Sioussat, Richard Ellicott Marine, William Faithful Hendrickson, Albert Dale Gantz, William Kurrelmeyer, Alexander Raymond Stevens, Jaspar Alan McCaskill, William Reginald Dorsey, John Wesley Richard Sumwalt, Isidor Deutsch, Clarence Carroll Clark, Louis Rosenbaum, Charles Burnet Torsch, Laurence Frederick Schmeckebier, James Eustace Shaw, Henry Lanahan, Charles Leonard Reeder, John Montgomery West, Augustus Caesar Binswanger, Charles Edward Caspari, Albert Cabell Ritchie, James McConkey Trippie, Alfred Dearing Harden, and Charles Edward Diehl.

Group photograph of the Class of 1896



Individuals pictured include Robert Lacy, Henry Todd Powell, Henry Pickering Parker, Cornelius Beatty, Edwin Delaplaine Nelson, Frank Holmes Johnson, Martin Schwab, Daniel Coit Gilman, Horace Marshall Harriman Jr., Edward Lingan Bowlus, John Armistead Welbourn, Charles Harwood Knight, William Fisher Wallis, Malcolm Westcott Hill, Frederick Howard Warfield, James Holdsworth Gordon Jr., George Harwood Hodges, St. George Leakin Sioussat, Richard Ellicott Marine, William Faithful Hendrickson, Albert Dale Gantz, William Kurrelmeyer, Alexander Raymond Stevens, Jaspar Alan McCaskill, William Reginald Dorsey, John Wesley Richard Sumwalt, Isidor Deutsch, Clarence Carroll Clark, Louis Rosenbaum, Charles Burnet Torsch, Laurence Frederick Schmeckebier, James Eustace Shaw, Henry Lanahan, Charles Leonard Reeder, John Montgomery West, Augustus Caesar Binswanger, Charles Edward Caspari, Albert Cabell Ritchie, James McConkey Trippie, Alfred Dearing Harden, and Charles Edward Diehl.

Group photograph of the Class of 1896



Individuals pictured include Robert Lacy, Henry Todd Powell, Henry Pickering Parker, Cornelius Beatty, Edwin Delaplaine Nelson, Frank Holmes Johnson, Martin Schwab, Daniel Coit Gilman, Horace Marshall Harriman Jr., Edward Lingan Bowlus, John Armistead Welbourn, Charles Harwood Knight, William Fisher Wallis, Malcolm Westcott Hill, Frederick Howard Warfield, James Holdsworth Gordon Jr., George Harwood Hodges, St. George Leakin Sioussat, Richard Ellicott Marine, William Faithful Hendrickson, Albert Dale Gantz, William Kurrelmeyer, Alexander Raymond Stevens, Jaspar Alan McCaskill, William Reginald Dorsey, John Wesley Richard Sumwalt, Isidor Deutsch, Clarence Carroll Clark, Louis Rosenbaum, Charles Burnet Torsch, Laurence Frederick Schmeckebier, James Eustace Shaw, Henry Lanahan, Charles Leonard Reeder, John Montgomery West, Augustus Caesar Binswanger, Charles Edward Caspari, Albert Cabell Ritchie, James McConkey Trippie, Alfred Dearing Harden, and Charles Edward Diehl.