Farm to you



Dr. Lee explains the research being carried out by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Dairy Husbandry Research Branch on milk production in tropical climates. He says that of the two major milk cow groups, the European cattle offer high milk production but low resistance to a hot environment and the native Indian humped cattle are the opposite. In addition to breeding the most heat resistant European cows and selecting the native cattle with the highest milk production for breeding, the Dept. of Agriculture is cross breeding Jersey cows and Sindhi cows. The research results seem to show that a cow that is 5/8 native Sindhi has the best combination of heat tolerance and milk production. In a film of the heat room, Mr. McDowell explains experiments which measure the cows' sweat and their respiratory cooling. He also notes that the color and thickness of a cow's coat and its blood flow to the skin are possible determinants in heat adaptation.

Man in his element



Before the program begins, Jerome Spingarn, on the Board of the National Association for Better Radio and Television, presents to Lynn Poole the television award for Outstanding Educational Program for the second consecutive year. As an introduction to the show, Mr. Poole reads from Sir Charles Blagden's 1774 "Experiments and Observations in a Heated Room," about the dangers of overheating. Dr. Lee then describes the operation of Johns Hopkins University's Mobile Climatic Laboratory, built for the Quartermaster Corps. The lab consists of an engine room with generators, an anteroom with controls, and a climatic chamber with treadmill and other equipment. Test subjects are wired to provide data to a recorder as they exercise on a treadmill under different temperature and humidity levels. Oxygen analysis and perspiration evaporation measurements are also explained. Dr. Lee shows a film and photos of graduate students doing preliminary testing of the lab's equipment before its use in the Yuma, Arizona desert.